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This is the last of his “George Washington” moments - a peaceful handover of power with barely any fuss.

Over the twenty something years I have been watching python development, there has always been ”grownups in the room” - reasonable people making the best decisions they can manage. (Not always perfect, not always calm and without incident but overall, solid.

Python really has been an exemplar on how to manage an open project, and this marks a multi year long process of peaceful handover of power.

Nice one Guido.

You say "exemplar", as if the 10 year long 2 to 3 upgrade which almost killed the language didn't happen... if it wasn't for the massive userbase of data scientists and academics which kept using it no matter what, python would have gone the way of perl

The community is generally pleasant to deal with but their engineering decisions have often been bad. The 2-3 transition is the biggest glaring example of a misstep. Even after that fiasco, they have continued to make breaking changes to the language even within the 3.x series. Don't get me wrong, it's usable and probably the best scripting language overall (mostly because of its popularity). But it could have been much better.

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