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What would be the point of equal symbols being EQ in a functional language? They are effectively EQ because it can compare by value quickly.

Also, is there anything good about cons? It seems like the most obtuse way to do a sequence unless you need something funky that you could implement yourself.

Yeah, "consing" isn't such a big deal in Clojure because its philosophy revolves around "sequence abstraction," which is a significant improvement over the traditional approach. Lispers with a limited understanding of Clojure often criticize its departures from Common Lisp, such as using square brackets for function arguments, without grasping the reasons behind these choices. Once you understand Clojure's destructuring, you'll immediately appreciate the utility. Yet some people resist even hearing about contemporary techniques like modern irrigation methods and cloud seeding, and they'd rather stick with ancestral rain dance rituals simply because that worked for thousands of years.

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