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I dreamed of that type of content since I’ve been a teenager. Thank you for sharing, it’s fantastic to see more and more programmers streaming themselves working on fairly advanced projects. That removes so much layers of magic and complexity once you can peek behind the curtain this way

I envy kids today to be able to look up pretty much anything what they want to learn. It was not like that back in the day.

I (not the programmer in the video) started programming 2 years or so during the pandemic during sophomore year of high school. I can affirm - there is a lot to wade throughm it's hard to know what's relevant, easy to learn and useful in real life.

That said, despite the availability of content online I tend to only watch the videos where something is a) summarized or b) something very advanced is broken down (e.g. the micro-gpt from scratch series). Imo, the best way to learn programming is to get excited about bringing your ideas to life, and choosing ideas small enough (at the start) to accomplish.

I am worried though about the rise of machine learning which may increase the barrier to entry in industry jobs and require more expertise to get ones "foot in the door". Additionally I find it hard to resist learning new technologies that are not as widely used / changing quickly do to their ease of use (Svelte, Tauri, V lang, etc).

Anyways, just thought I'd chime in as a kid learning to code

> I find it hard to resist learning new technologies that are not as widely used / changing quickly do to their ease of use

This isn’t a bad thing. I’ve never regretted trying something new, even if it’s just to learn that I don’t like it or whatever. “normal” software engineering stuff (day to day) is so much more about building and maintaining what you have already.

> Additionally I find it hard to resist learning new technologies that are not as widely used / changing quickly do to their ease of use (Svelte, Tauri, V lang, etc).

One thing I'd suggest is to be somewhat critical of what it means to be learning something, and find a way to apply whatever that is multiple times, without spreading yourself too thin.

When I was getting started around the same age, I never bothered repping things out like at a gym or going deeper into how things worked and piecing them back together manually from scratch (such as the micro-gpt project), but those are two ways you can keep things interesting long term, and develop useful/practical knowledge. Instead, what I did was read a book or follow a tutorial and figured that was enough to learn, but it's often just what was possible to teach, or a good jumping-off point, and that's basically what I've been getting from GPT lately. Nothing really gets learned imo unless there's an input and output to the process, such as watching the video and writing all the code from scratch or on paper, and then hopefully building something with it where you'll be forced to push yourself mentally. Very little of the depth might apply in a job, but you'll be better at troubleshooting and understanding what's happening, and repping out gradually more abstract and complex projects using the same technology will make you more efficient. Especially with ADHD that I didn't realize I had earlier, it would have really helped to rep things out more, because only through repetition and expanding complexity do you understand the gritty bits that aren't complete, or areas where you're likely to need another tool, or useful shortcuts and edge cases etc..

Incidentally, NAND2TETRIS is a great example of an end to end course that is totally worth trying and slowly grinding through.

> I tend to only watch the videos where something is a) summarized o

I hope you don't give views to those asinine videos that take 30 minutes to 'summarize' a 90 minute movie.

Begging my parents to drive me to every library in the county so I could try and find books on computer graphics and AI in the 1980s. Not very many around then :(

Alternatively, our routes back in the day was relatively linear, whereas today kids have to wade through so much more to find their paths

I just wrote out a reply to the parent comment about learning to code but forgot to reply to this one, my previous comment is here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40484956

i feel this is a sentiment shared by every generation. “Now with printing presses, kids have access to tombs of knowledge”

Conversely, you used to look at a line of OS code and knew how that translated to registers within a processor. Now i barely know which kubernetes cluster the code is currently deployed in

Sure. On the other hand, the mere fact that it was difficult to find the information means you might have developed skills and perseverance going out for it.

But it's certainly no longer the golden era of the Internet either, with human mass produced clickbait content already on the rise and now we've got the AI variant to contend with as well :(

I too have dreamed of the same. But I still think it's harder to find such content that is great and deep and technical.

Since it would be great to learn about sharing such channels, I would love if others can share other such channels as well.

Here's another I know: https://www.youtube.com/@LowLevelLearning Not stritly programming, but big fan of this channel as well: https://www.youtube.com/@StuffMadeHere (Amazing engineering channel)

I need to make sure that SerenityOS project owner Andreas Kling’s channel is mentioned: https://youtube.com/@awesomekling

He hasn’t been uploading much recently but the backlog is full of OS development, applications ported to his OS and his most recent mission, building a web browser from scratch.

Check out Marcan's channel. The Apple ARM silicon Linux bring up is epic, almost 12hours, Apple used a fair amount of custom hardware. https://www.youtube.com/live/GxnWuXgj3JI?si=lUJ_7KdkylzXLryj

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