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More like the flower, I'd say. Your first problem statement plants the seed. The solution (and the shortcomings in that solution and in the original problem statement) are the seed clearing the dirt. As you write, think, and write again, the plant grows and takes form until the time is right for the flower to bloom.

Then the bloom slowly dies, unnoticed by the majority (beautiful in their place, but with no generalizable characteristics), or as the work becomes common knowledge and is integrated into better and more complex solutions to bigger and harder problems. The most beautiful flowers are mass produced for public consumption ($e=mc^2$, and the like), but those are rather few and far between.


Your first consideration of the problem is your first glance into the fog, revealing the superficial.

Then, as you continue to peer in that direction, more is revealed.

One phenomenon, 2 perfectly good explanations.

Like, is it a variable or a reference to a variable? Hard to say.

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