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Preppers Paradise: A collection of three DIY, prepping and tech libraries (archive.org)
13 points by tcsenpai 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

I just had the occasion to set up a small seed box and to upload everything to the Internet Archive. This might be redundant for someone, anyway is 34GB of DIY, prepping and whatnot.

It should be browseable directly on site. Please note my seedbox is limited to 10MB/s to accommodate more users and to let me use internet too (lol). Seeders are welcomed, anyway the archive should be storing them in PDF and txt too.

Thanks for sharing this and uploading it to the Archive! Something to consider is creating an item for each artifact you're uploading, and then asking Patron Services (info@ email address) to create a collection for you.

I am not very expert in archiving and in how the Archive works, could you please either elaborate or link me something? Sounds very interesting!

thank you, reading :)

The older I get, the less interested I become in making it through whatever I’m supposed to be prepping for.

lol me too, nevertheless I stock up PDFs just in case. Knowing that probably I'd be too lazy to read them if needed anyway.

Almost 4000 files. That's quite a collection. Is there a better mousetrap inside?

I think so, probably it is hidden near some nuclear reactor thing

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