| | Direct Phone to Phone Communication Using the Cellular Antennas | |
13 points by meel-hd 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
| | For months I wasn't able to remove this idea from my head. Why can't two cellphones communicate using their cellular antennas. You may wonder why I got this idea but stay with me. What I have in mind is a kind of mesh and peer to peer concept. Wouldn't it be way better than the current WiFi or Bluetooth solutions. Because it will be on a larger scale because the cellular antennas can communicate for very long distances. They are stronger, in terms of bandwidth and throughput. And because no intermediate cell tower or station may be involved it will be more free. I can imagine a lot of potential applications of this idea but when I searched for such a thing if it exists, it does not. I am not an expert in this field of networks, antennas, etc. but I know that while this idea is technically feasible, it is not necessarily easy. It requires a lot of modifications of hardware and software .Plus protocol development for communication between the phones. I headed to HN for you guys if you know anything that could help, I would love to see this idea implemented. Otherwise any feedback or ideas is gold to me. Thanks! |
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