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Hard to sympathise. Generalizes like mad. Stop being a full stack. Have something you do well and you should have little problems in this industry. There's so much work an opportunities.

> There's so much work an opportunities.

Many of them suck though. I get hired as a troubleshooter usually: that makes the most and it’s nice, get to see many companies etc. I work with people who are hired for frontend, backend etc; a month or so in, they will be asked things like ‘so devops, is that something you can do?’ Etc. And that is if it’s not in the actual job offer; ‘frontend expert wanted with 4000 years experience in everything’. I usually leave after 3-6 months as I ask a lot of money, but I have been asked to advice and help on Windows upgrades, printer emergencies and more.

Well then you're not selling yourself well. Stop taking shit jobs. Brand yourself better.

I have always just done exactly what I want; I just see people around me who get roped into crap.

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