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I manage my collection as physical CDs. My current format for files and folder is "{album artist} - {year} - {album}/[Disc {disc #}/]{track #} {title}.ext". I mostly listen as albums, not playlists. This gave me enough information to locate music both using the filesystem and a library manager. I do have extra tags (I'm using beets to manage the collection), but I don't really bother with them.

I don't bother with genre tags. And if my main collection grows enough to require them (currently ~500 albums), I think I will just be creating playlists.

As for album artist, every player I came across could support it (except Rhythmbox I think). I currently have Navidrome, MPD, and Doppler (Mac) pointed at the same collection. Swinsian (Mac) does support the grouping tag.

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