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Microsoft could continuously reading all my private files but

a) I doubt they'd do that

b) I'm not very interesting

c) It'd be a massive lawsuit if they were

d) privacy hackers have motivation to find out if they are - see c

I wish people wouldn't use/state b, ever.

It doesn't add to the conversation, and further, people you know could be interesting. And interesting in ways, that you don't know about.

Fair enough. I'll stop saying that. In my defense, saying "I believe Microsoft wouldn't violate my privacy because I'm not very interesting" isn't the same as saying "I believe Microsoft wouldn't viloate our privacy because no one is very interesting"

that is naive.

Apple lets you turn off many things privacy wise on their system. You can turn them all offf. And your system till phones home continuously (try little snitch).

Microsoft is objectively worse wrt privacy. Do you think a microsoft-programmed off button would work?

> that is naive

Do you always disparage strangers online and is it unconscious or do you take pleasure in it?

I'm sorry, it is not personal. I apologize.

I was naive long ago when I worked with an ex-microsoft employee (90's). I was telling him about how some version of windows broke third-party software, and I said that engineers often don't know who is using their software etc.

He told me that I was naive. That microsoft had meetings about things like this, and they discussed their strategies and "how can we own this?"

As far as microsoft and privacy, they have shown again and again that they are not on the side of the individual. They collect amazing quantities of data, they keep on mixing things up to obfuscate things, and they show no signs of slowing down (just the opposite). As far as privacy is concerned, microsoft sets a very bad example, and others follow.

No problem. Thanks for the apology and the explanation. I read an article recently how people have widely diverging views of privacy and think that explains the confusion. I'm fine with Microsoft learning from data derived by my behavior online if it helps them improve the software. I volunteer to give them telemetry if it's an option. But I understand some people have a much stricter sense of privacy and 'recall' crosses that line for them. If Microsoft had a copy of my private journal that would be a red line for me. Some people feel that way about the very idea of 'recall' I take it.

You mean like what you're doing right now?

Can you suggest to me as how I may inquire if OP is desparging me without mentioning that I percieve it that way?

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