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On kraft.cloud we use Dockeffiles to build into extremely specialized VMs for deployment. With this in place, we can have say an nginx server cold started and ready to serve at a public URL in about 20 millis (not quite the 10ms you mention, but in the right ballpark, and we're constantly shaving that down). Heavier apps can take longer of course, but not too much (e.g., node/next < 100ms). Autoscale and scale to zero also operate in those timescales.

Underneath, we use specialized VMs (unikernels), a custom controller and load balancer, as well as a number of perf tweaks to achieve this. But it's (now) certainly possible.

Thanks, that is very interesting.

Still, that mostly confirms my experience: to achieve this level of performance, you need to do optimizations on a lower level, and this is not really achievable with docker out of the box (plain Linux host with usual Docker runtime).

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