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Depot also does remote docker builds using a remote build kit agent. It was actually their original product. If you could feasibly put everything into a Dockerfile, including running your tests, then you could use that product and get the benefits.

I actually didn't know this. We've had some teething issues _building_ in docker, but we actually run our services in containers. I'm sure a few hours of banging my head against a wall would be worth it here.

> including running your tests, "thankfully", we use maven which means that our tests are part of the build lifecycle. It's a bit annoying because our CI provider has some neat parallelism stuff that we could lean on if we could separate out the test phase from the build phase. We use docker-compose inside our builders for dev dependencies (we run our tests against a real database running in docker) but I think they should be our only major issues here.

But, Thanks for the heads up.

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