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I'm Leaving Reddit for Good and This Is Why (karl-voit.at)
8 points by 0x000042 33 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

For me it was their decision to make my posts helping people in r/python into training material for a profit-driven AI model. Sad to go, but feels so much better now it’s not there abusing me any more.

Yeah, I have mostly left reddit as well. However, there is a huge need for various niche forums. Reddit killed a great many forums. Now we need them back.

> With currently 1034 post karma points and 3841 comment karma points […]

> I will soon remove my RSS/Atom feeds for said subreddits from my feed aggregator. […]

> My reddit account will not be deleted but I might change my decision once reddit management decides to mis-use my contributed texts. As with Twitter, I might also manually remove all of my postings.

“Soon”, “mostly”, “might”. The post is so full of hedges that it could fit the entire Simpsons cast walking backwards into it. You need to be honest that you’re not truly doing anything. Certainly not anything which makes a difference or affects Reddit. This post is the internet equivalent of shaking your fist in the air while grumbling “why, you rascals” while standing thirty meters away.

Just leave Reddit. Do it now. Do it for yourself. Delete the posts, then delete the account, the go do something else better for your mental health.

> Delete the posts, then delete the account

I recommend keeping the account to make sure the comments are really gone. Deleted mine in the height of last year's outrage with the most popular open source app I could find and it took several attempts. Looked like they were deleted. Checked a week later and they were all back. Just logged in now and I still have a few comments. Think I'm going with glue and gasoline recipes this time.

While I am sure many people are leaving reddit silently I appreciate that some people are also leaving reddit and making some noise about it. This helps spread awareness of some of the issues with reddit and highlight the need for alternatives.

Which is all well and good if the person making the noise follows through, which this post inspires no confidence will happen. They have a (relatively) low-volume account which they are not deleting and leaving the posts up. That’s insignificant.

In other words, the author isn’t leaving Reddit. They are talking about possibly-maybe-who-knows leaving Reddit. They’re flirting with the thought while making sure they have a wide open door to go back later even if they do leave. Every single person who has quit silently has made a bigger impact.

By all means, make some noise about leaving Reddit. But do it after you’ve really committed to it and can influence others. Shower thoughts don’t spread awareness.

I have no reason to doubt they are following through with it. If they do: great! If they do not: who cares? They spread awareness of important issues with reddit. I can still appreciate this.

Why is it important to you if they follow through or not?

> Why is it important to you if they follow through or not?

It’s not. You’re the one making this into a bigger conversation. I think you should reread my original post, in particular the last paragraph, it has emphasised text and everything.

They should do it for themselves. They should stop talking about doing it (poorly, full of caveats and ways to bail out) and really do it. Not for internet points, not for awareness, but to be true to themselves and all the convictions they’re (kind of) defending in the post.

> They spread awareness of important issues with reddit.

So you keep saying. But all of this has been said loudly ad nauseam months ago. It’s no longer a dinky little subject that requires “spreading awareness” any more than saying Facebook invades your privacy. Right now the change happens when you do the thing; talking about doing the thing moves the needle about as much as sending thoughts and prayers.

> If they do not: who cares?

The author, I hope. They should care or there is no point. Which is why I’m encouraging them to do it instead of treating it like a New Year’s resolution that you proudly announce to everyone and then give up two days in and feel bad about it. I want them to succeed, which is why I’m encouraging them to go through with it properly.

Just do it

Good luck. I have tried multiple times. The network effects are too strong.

I contribute far less, but I still browse.



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