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For performance profiling I find that `perf`-like sampling profiling works well enough to find the hot spots, and then Valgrind's Callgrind is great for micro-optimizing the hot spots code on the assembly level.

Of course, it would be cool to have a unified memory + performance analysis tool like this, but I don't think I can justify the time investment to write one in my spare time.

Yeah, I'm really happy that Gimli exists, considering the absolute insanity/complexity pit of DWARF.

For what it’s worth, Valgrind completely fails to run on the Glommio runtime (something about it causes some threading code on startup to deadlock), so I’ve been looking for an alternate profiler that can give me better insights than perf. Also a profiler that can give me deeper insights without all the overhead of Valgrind would be sweet.

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