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Google's AI went from far-left to far-right in like a month.

That is because the two are much closer to each other than the proponents of either would think.

Which is so sad given that practically everybody I know wants nothing to do with either, but with two party system everybody needs to classify themselves or let others choose for them.

Our two-party system is nothing like "far right vs far left".

A "far left" position would be something along the lines of "we should murder all billionaires, confiscate all money from anyone making more than 1 standard deviation above mean income, nationalize all businesses, and redistribute the profits evenly among all."

A "far right" position would be something along the lines of "we should institute a white-supremacist theocratic government with an autocratic leader unaccountable to anyone else."

One of these is almost precisely the party platform of one of the two major parties in the US. The other is laughed at by nearly anyone with any political acumen, and certainly looks nothing like the party platform of the other major party.

It seems to be a bug in neural networks in general.

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