I actually attribute my high typing speed to the practice I got with OPEN DOOR, TAKE KEYCARD, CLOSE LOCKER, LOOK CAULDRON. Police Quest, King's Quest, Space Quest. Good memories.
Haha, I remember this with Leisure Suit Larry 1. When you knock on the door at Lefty's Bar, a guy opens a hatch in the door and asks "What's the password?". Then you need to type "ken sent me" and press enter. I was 7-8 years old at the time, and it was hard for me to type "ken sent me" in the 5 or 10 seconds you have to give him the password. Sometimes I asked my dad to help me out, so he could write it for me hehe. But we found a trick after a while, you could just set the game to SLOWEST at that part, and you had much more time to enter the password. Good times!