And what makes you think the IDF is so discerning in their targets? They attacked the USS Liberty with the intention of killing everyone aboard knowing it was a US vessel and they've been continuously killing tens of thousands of women and children, they also purposely target and kill journalists
These things are easily googlable yet you haven't bothered to do the slightest bit of reading before dismissing the claims outright. Even the US president had said that the attack on the Liberty was 100% intentional while knowing it was a US vessel
I didn't realize that western values included apartheid regimes oppressing people. The examples show that this has been going on for a lot longer than Hamas has existed and that Israel is always the aggressor
Are you fine with Israel knowingly and purposefully attacking and killing US naval officers?
First you said I was spewing bullshit which implies falsehoods, but now the things I claim are true but they're just fine? That's nuts
You say they share western values, does that include freedom of the press? Do we kill journalists purposefully in the western world? Which values, precisely, are you referring to? Because I don't see them
Unless you mean to say that they aren't Muslim, which is what I see from a lot of the Zionist crowd
Not to mention, it isn't about the values of Hamas but the value of the lives of the Palestinian people. Israel has been oppressing and killing them for decades
Is that the kind of value that you align with? People cheering on the oppression and slaughter within an apartheid state funded by your and my tax dollars