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ReMarkable (remarkable.com)
4 points by buro9 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I'd seen these online and thought they were neat, but today I got to witness someone using one and it blew my mind how comprehensively they were taking notes, acting on them, editing, and keeping their thinking organised. I've owned an iPad and it failed to shine here, but as the person told me about the reMarkable it became more obvious that by removing all other distractions and focusing on the best single experience possible, and coupled with a battery life of weeks and the ability to use it in bright sunlight and low light so easily, that a device so dedicated to a single purpose will outperform the arguably better and more capable device.

I needed that reminder, and have now ordered a reMarkable for myself and one for my partner (an academic).

I'm sharing just in case someone else also needed the reminder that a tool like this exists and quietly makes people happy and more effective with note taking and capturing thoughts.

I have been after one for years.-

Holding my own, though, after a bad experience: I emailed them to beg (er ... respectfully inquire about) them extending a one-time offer they had, with great savings. I had missed the deadline by less than a week.-

No avail. They replied with something along the lines of "too bad" ...

And swore (well, promised) never to get one.-

I might yet renege.-

(If they every come up with a similar offer ...)

I'd bought their kickstarter, and it's a great devoted eReader device. I'm glad I was in before the subscription model was hammered onto the device after the fact.

My ReMarkable is now showing its life - one button has failed, and the device only boots reliably when the battery charge over 70%. Still use it often for fast hand-sketches of ideas, and plan on replacing the battery myself eventually.

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