Cool idea. In practice: they already did this and it's called PERL!
Why would I ever use this instead of just using perl5, which solves all these problems already and is preinstalled on every Unix machine I've ever seen (and I've seen a lot from HPUX to AIX) since there's always some ancient innards component that depends on it, so it's basically impossible to remove...
And even if you don't know perl, you're better off learning it than Amber, because perl may not be super popular anymore but it's still way way bigger with way more resources and libraries and documentation and even people you could hire etc etc
(If you prefer python2, you can probably get close to but not quite the same level of universal compatibility)
I find all the "Why should I use this when X exist" nonsensical. If you can't see any use for it then it's not for you. There are a whole lot of people who will find this more attractive than Perl.
I'm trying to help people here. I know some young people may not even be aware of older options and not realize this problem has already been solved repeatedly. They are free to disregard my advice, so I find your objection more nonsensical
It just starts a lame language war thread while being dismissive of and incurious about the thing being discussed. Things the site docs ask you to avoid as they reliably generate more noise than interesting conversation.
Old software has had use, discussion, support, and resources that are usually still easily available. New software may have to reinvent a lot of wheels, so the barrier to entry may be higher despite the language's features. Choosing one over the other is all dependent on the problem that's being solved
Because solving new, current problems is more valuable than re-solving old ones? Is the new thing good? Yes. Is the old thing good? Yes. Both can be true. And, there is some value in better solutions to old problems.
But if you're looking for "reason" I think that falls on not re-doing the same thing over and over again.
Because they've heard the "lol perl is line noise" jokes and taken them very seriously instead of the jokes they are. Perl is way more mature with way more libraries, stability, documentation, etc.
I hope I don't have to work with some young fool who decided without trying that perl, an incredibly well documented language, is "too hard" and instead signed our whole team up to work with some experimental 3 month old language with who knows what weird bugs and quirks, none of which youll find info about on stack overflow, because almost nobody has ever used it
Reminds me of the days about 10 years ago when all the kids were obsessed with no SQL and MongoDB for use cases that were smaller than SQLite -- purely because they were scared to learn SQL
You'll understand where I'm coming from after you get more experience and have had multiple jobs where you had to maintain architecture with poor choices due to an inexperienced original author using cool shiny tech that offers little advantage over the more mature tech, and you spend much of your time working around and maintaining something that has no stack overflow coverage at all
Have you stopped to think that maybe people will use this "experimental 3 month old language" for their personal stuff, and that not everything in programming is for your "whole team"?
Then they can disregard my advice obviously. But I saw plenty of others in this thread who seemed interested in it genuinely for practical reasons, and with all the times I've seen young devs disregard old mature solutions, I thought it'd be worth mentioning.
Besides, "runs anywhere bash does" isn't really useful for a personal project. Work is where you're likely to run into a weird variety of legacy machines, not in a personal project where you have more control.
Regardless, the weird aversion to hearing advice that can just be disregarded if it doesn't apply to your case baffles me.
Have you tried perl or are you just judging it based on strreotypes? The only weird syntax relative to something like JavaScript is $ at the front of variables.
There's a lot of funky syntax and features available but you do not have to use any of them. If you are writing a new script from scratch it is easy to make it look almost the same as JavaScript but with every variable having a $ on front.
Also, amber is a new indie language. Perl has way more resources. I assure you amber will be harder to master including God knows what bugs are in the compiler you'll have to encounter and work around.
maybe this is outdated prejudice at this point but I learned early that perl as a language is fine, right up until you need to deal with scripts someone else wrote. particularly scripts written in anger.
> There's a lot of funky syntax and features available but you do not have to use any of them.
The problem is that it's difficult to know which features you should use and which you shouldn't. And good luck enforcing your desired style if you're working with other developers (it's possible, but painful).
Perl is a highly complicated language with many sharp edges that catch out even experienced Perl devs.
The Perl ecosystem is also completely dead: modules languish with no updates, there is no decent tooling to speak of.
Of course, this new language also has no ecosystem. But maybe one day it will. Let's not stamp out its flame for no reason.
Perl was literally reborn with "Perl Best Practices". Perl::Critic has more rules that you'd ever wish for, Perl::Tidy is the most configurable code formatter there is. This had been true for 10-15 years already. Which part do you find painful and is this your idea of "no decent tooling"?
Not in containers by their nature, but you have control over those so you probably won't use amber or bash or perl but just whatever you actually wanted..., but I assure you the underlying hypervisor has perl
Even bash or sh need not be installed in a container so that's a weird objection
Personal answer: I cannot read Perl. I've checked it out a few times and the syntax looks alien to me.
Meanwhile, Amber looks perfectly readable, despite the fact that I've never used it. Maybe this is because Amber looks closer to languages that I'm used to. But I'd have a much easier time with it than any Perl script I've ever looked at. This is regarding personal, on-my-computer use cases.
Professionally, I think most of my coworkers would also have an easier time with this than Perl scripts, but of course, I could be wrong.
Does PERL compile to bash? I thought it had its own interpreter. I can't figure out if you're one of those weird people that try to derail threads or if PERL is unique in a way that I never realized.
The problem with python2 is that it's getting (very slowly) phased out of distros now, but you can also write a python2/3 polyglot (which usually isn't so hard).
Silly comment. Awk is nonstandardized, different in different environments. Perl5 is the same everywhere. don't you recall that that's actually the main reason perl was invented, as a more powerful and more uniformly compatible replacement for awk?
I've written some fairly complicated programs meant to run on a very wide range of Awks, and while there are minor differences between dialects, it isn't hard to stick to the POSIX-standard core language.
Why would I ever use this instead of just using perl5, which solves all these problems already and is preinstalled on every Unix machine I've ever seen (and I've seen a lot from HPUX to AIX) since there's always some ancient innards component that depends on it, so it's basically impossible to remove...
And even if you don't know perl, you're better off learning it than Amber, because perl may not be super popular anymore but it's still way way bigger with way more resources and libraries and documentation and even people you could hire etc etc (If you prefer python2, you can probably get close to but not quite the same level of universal compatibility)