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This is a typical "move fast and break things" mentality.. except that mentality betrays Sam's statements about doing a bunch of this stuff "carefully" etc.. its all a smokescreen.. nobody is going to realistically stop working on AGI in order to be careful.. basically AGI is being pursued like the race to get the atom bomb.. so yea history tells us its full speed ahead with no brakes. Scarjo is just the latest person getting stomped on along the way.. eventually it will be a whole ton of people getting stomped on.. whoops!

"This is a typical "move fast and break things" mentality.. " with a big dash of “there’s no such thing as bad publicity” thinking thrown in for good measure.

Staying relevant is all that matters these days.

I would put this in the "better to ask for forgiveness than ask than permission" bucket. Which is also a typical mentality in SV.

But they did ask permission, and were denied.

And moved fast and broke things anyway, which is also typical of SV entitlement.


> "Move fast and break things" is explicitly, exactly the wrong attitude for the person/team in charge of a world-changing superpower.

Thankfully, they aren't in charge of anything like that.

Arguably, allowing anyone to create very believable lies is a world-changing superpower.

How do you know what the effects and importance of current gen AI will be?

Sure AF trying had to / would like to think they are.

Move Smooth & Fix Things (tm)

If Nazis had the nuclear bomb then they'd would've been backed into a corner and quite possibly dropped the bomb.

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