It would be helpful if you linked to something more specific (even a timestamp). I’m not going to watch this nearly 3-hour video to decide whether it supports your statement or not.
If you make a claim, link a source (but not what part of the source that actually backs your claim) then when asked which part of the source you just link another source that does not explicitly say what you initially said it makes your argument look weak.
Link and quote to the parts that back your claim and if it is not clear how it backs your claim say what your interpretation is.
"On Jun 24, 2015, at 10:24 AM, Sam Altman wrote:" [...]
"5) I think the right plan with the regulation letter is to wait for this to get going and then I can just release it with a message like "now that we are doing this, l've been thinking a lot about what sort of constraints the world needs for safefy.""