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Comparing desktop development tools, Qt, Electron and macOS Native (bumblemeow.com)
11 points by thunderbong 13 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Avalonia UI (https://www.avaloniaui.net/) and Uno Platform (https://platform.uno/) look good if you're using C#. Delphi's (https://www.embarcadero.com/products/delphi) FMX framework looks good if you're using Delphi.

What are some other good cross platform UI frameworks?

Flutter, GTK

I’m not trying to rain on your parade, but: There’s a market for an application that encodes/decodes files base64? And one of the selling propositions is that it’s running locally?

What's the selling proposition of it running remotely?

Thanks for your comparison.

> The major consideration for using Qt for commercial software is pricing. While it may be possible to use Qt under the LGPL, compliance with the LGPL for commercial software can be tricky.

How's using the LGPL that tricky? I'm using it in my closed-source application[1]. It would have been nice if you could expand on this more.

> High performance > Qt App builds for macOS are approximately 200KB...

The title says performance, yet you talk about bundle size, should be a separate title called "footprint".

Also, putting the pricing for non-LGPL Small Businesses at the top of the Quick Comparison for Qt without mentioning the free LGPL option is a little disingenuous.

[1] https://www.get-plume.com/

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