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Show HN: Recall Memory – Your Personal Local Time Machine for Mac (recallmemory.app)
8 points by saucow 23 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments
Recall Memory is a free Sandboxed Mac App which let's you scroll through time and allows you to "Recall" what you were doing earlier.

Recall works by capturing the active window every second and only saves screenshots with significant changes. Making it easy to scroll through what you were doing earlier.

All data is processed and always stored locally.

Looks interesting, not sure when I would need a tool like this though. What are some good use cases for Recall you see in the future?

Sun Solaris (UNIX workstation) desktop environment had this feature somewhere around 2012. Based on ZFS snapshots.

Was based on GNOME, I believe.

That's neat! Just looked it up after you mentioned: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2008/10/opens...

> To begin capturing, open the Recall menu and click Start.

There is no "Start"

> There is no "Start" Thank you for trying out the app. After clicking on Recall in the upper right corner in the menu bar (not the dock) you should see the text "Capture Status" and a button in that row labeled "Start" From here you can control when Recall is enabled and capturing.

Sorry, I normally forget about the menu bar because I keep it hidden. I see it and I will try it out.

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