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AI-Free Products (coryd.dev)
25 points by cdme 24 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I love that, I need also one for the cloud-free products. I don't need scanner files in cloud, no, I don't need a washing machine uploading some data to AWS. I just need tools that do whatever they were invented for.

Actually, I am more interested in cloud free where my data never leaves my device.

If, you can use LLMs, etc to make my on-device experience better without sending out information to the cloud - more power to you.

Running stable diffusion on my own machine has been wonderful. Running LLMs on my own machine has been wonderful.

I love on-device Apple photo search.

Many of the "AI" features are just an excuse to suck up more of my data.

But it is "suck up more of my data" that makes them bad, not the "AI" part.

Please please let this become a thing, a movement whatever just make it happen. I don’t want an “AI” PC I want a laptop.

> "This product was built for users not as a demonstration to investors that we're chasing the latest trend."

This is a little reductionist, if you're in a competitive market a single feature can push all your customers to the competition if it proves useful. The company I work for gets asked about AI features from customers and procurement all the time now. No one has yet asked if we don't have it.

I'd be interested in seeing the marketing intersection between "AI powered" and "AI free". Lots of room to fudge either way.

This was my knee-jerk reaction, too. I think the truth of the matter is that convincing people to pay for some intangible service is an uphill battle, and conflating it with some flashy intangible concept (eg. "Powered by AI") is an easy way to onboard starry-eyed investor types.

So like, do whatever. There will be sycophants that promote and detract AI for years to come, if marketing to those passionate people is what you want to do then be my guest. As an end-user I probably still won't want to pay for your product anyways, and removing AI from your marketing copy doesn't leave you with much to market. Bad products get made with or without AI, trying to avoid or target the field to succeed is like reading tea leaves to find market demand.

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