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Microsoft's mission to take down the MacBook Air (theverge.com)
16 points by tosh 24 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I find Windows 11 so offensive with its telemetry and pestering for sharing additional information that I am not at all lured away like I once was by the promise of the Surface.

I hope others feel the same and they revert to how Windows 7-10 was. I absolutely hate the experience every time I interact with a fresh install. But I don’t see a future where it gets any better.

True, I am now telling relatives to go Apple on new hardware. One did do that.

Yeah, it's horrible. Not only the telemetry, but the UX as well. It's astonishing how bad the decision to hide important right click options under "more options" is. Absolutely infuriating.

I just went back to Linux, it's understandable that others take the macOS route as well.

the previous context menu had issues sometimes with network and other slow drives - it would need to wait for multiple callbacks to complete before it could render. In extreme cases, this could cause delays of many seconds before the menu could be drawn.

Shifting these into "More Options" lets the menu be drawn with more consistent speed.

Shit decision still - but there is at least some method behind the madness

A multi-trillion dollar company can't make a menu work faster than a second on multi-GHz PCs with gigabytes of memory. If it wasn't so sad it'd be funny.

I'm not sure "Copilot" is the positive brand MS seems to believe it is.

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