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Show HN: I made a freelancer focus tool to manage projects and companies (ppprojects.app)
3 points by dawidwk 13 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
Hi HN,

I create websites for many clients. Recently, I started thinking about how to manage my time, projects, and client relationships. I couldn't find a simple and easy-to-use application that helps with this. I didn't want to use CRMs, which are complicated and expensive. So I gave myself a month and created my own system.

I would love to hear your feedback about it.

Hi, I'm Dawid.

My focus on creating this app was to be straightforward and user-friendly, making it easier for freelancers like me to stay organized without the overhead of traditional CRMs.

I would love to hear your feedback about it. Your insights and suggestions would be incredibly valuable as I continue to refine and improve the tool.

Thank you!

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