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Analysis of GNOME Foundation's public economy: concerns and thoughts (gnome.org)
17 points by samspenc 23 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

So initially I thought this was just going to be "GNOME is running out of money, what do we do about it?" but...

> Missing information in the tax declaration: most remarkably, in the tax fillings of fiscal years 2020/2021 and 2021/2022, the category: “Fees for services, Other” represents more than 10% of the expense, which is clearly stated that it should be explained in a later part of the tax filling. However, it is not. I was told 6 months ago that might have to be with some problem with ProPublica not getting the data, and that they would try to fix it. But I was not provided with the information, and 6 months later the public tax fillings still have not been amended.

That's... pretty bad if true, isn't it? Like, "lose 501(c)3 status" bad? Or have I misunderstood?

There appears to be a lot of issues with most foundation set up around open-source software.

It might just be that there are a lot of issues in general in foundations.

I am wondering if they are a good idea in this space. What are the alternative structures that can be adopted?

So whose nose did it go up?

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