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Ruby can serve 27k req/sec. Why do I need 48-cores for my 80 req/sec Rails app? (x.com)
10 points by tosh 24 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Rails effectively muddied the waters of what is possible with Ruby, leading to its neglect (in awareness at least). Rails has become synonymous with run-for-the-hills in tech (from what ive seen).

Personally having worked with Rails, it was great in the early days, now its mired in tech debt and my-way-or-build-it-yourself mentality such that I havent touched it with my disposable 10 foot pole in 7+ years.

The short answer, is flavor and fashion over effectiveness; a strong rebellion against high performance languages who require a deeper understanding than simple copypasta.


In my experience, the slowness have come from two main areas:

Naïve Active Record objects - that is, hydrating rather than explicitly plucking. AR is horribly slow when it constructs db objects.

Streaming and recreating hash objects over and over and over again in for-loops. For a primary construct, it’s surprisingly slow to work with.

I wonder if Ractor will benefit Rails sometime in the future?

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