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Weight-loss promoters reeling after TikTok crackdown (washingtonpost.com)
23 points by bookofjoe 24 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

I learned about Mounjaro from TikTok, and have lost 70lbs. Likely prevented many serious health issues.

People seem to have an aversion to using medicine to impart QoL benefits.

It's "too easy" to lose weight now.

It's like being upset at the discovery of toothpaste since it enables people to eat simple carbs and still retain their teeth, rather than relying on restraint and stoicism.

Or using insulin to manage diabetes rather than a no carb diet

I have an aversion to life altering side effects.

For example, I got prescribed ketaconazol shampoo for my dandruff. Finally had dandruff free hair for the first time in 20 years of struggling with it.

Then I developed permanent and severe tinnitus and hearing loss - one of the side effects of ketaconazol.

I've lived with a piercing 11.5khz tone for 5 years now. For the first two years I frequently could not sleep, at times the ringing was so bad I was suicidal. In the last 3 years my life has changed thanks to working with red and brown noise, which I blast on speaker to let me sleep

I'll struggle with the hearing loss and tinnitus forever. And the dandruff is back, maybe forever. Today I treat the dandruff and the tinnitus like old friends and part of me, because thinking of them as enemies that have defeated me is too heartbreaking.

These weigh loss meds also have stories of life altering side effects. I think it's important to understand that the desire to avoid these effects is valid. I sincerely hope you don't need to experience a disabling or life threatening side effect from a seemingly innocuous drug. But every new drug you take carries are risk that it will irrevocably alter your life. It's worth having compassion for those reluctant to take meds, and acknowledge that there are risks that you are discounting.

With risky conditions like obesity, it's easy to judge people and assume the obesity rush is greater than taking some meds. But that fails to truly connect with the utter terror of trying to fix one body system, only to cause utterly permanent damage to some other system. It's one of the scariest things I've faced.

It's important to realize that is what we're asking others to face when we take meds side effects for granted. And it's human to acknowledge and support those for whom the risk feels too great.

If your dandruff is seborrhoeic dermatitis, then you may want to try a coal tar shampoo like Neutrogena T/Gel or MG217.

Wow. I believe I took ketaconazol orally to treat my tinea versicolor. Have had tinnitus, but never connected the two. BTW, there is a new treatment for tinnitus, which may help. It’s an electric device that provides feedback on your tongue. I was quoted $3800, but opted against it. Mine isn’t that bad.

Obesity is seen as a personal moral failing, and sinners cannot be redeemed without repentance and self-flagellation.

Its not the same. Because the science hasn't been proven for any length of time on a significant population where as all of the examples you gave have.

that's the same link you submitted, is it not?

Yes, but.

Link I submitted: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/05/20/tiktok-oz...

Link in comment submitted to bypass paywall for those unhappy they can't access archive.is. It was what the Post said was a link that could be shared freely without paywall issues. Go figure.

But both the submitted URL and the URL in your comment are char-for-char the same, hence my question. Or to put it another way, the link in your comment does not get me around the paywall (because it is the same as the submitted link).

Perhaps you pasted the wrong thing? That, or I am apparently a very confused person. :-) Anyway, archive.ph works for me.

Make that TWO very confused peeps...

It was interesting to hear the comments from paid influencers for the product. As I know somebody who had a life threatening complication from ozempic, it's hard for me to feel sympathy for them. This may the rare occasion where I support TikTok.

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