If a given raytracing algorithm (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_tracing_(graphics) only evaluates visible points for a 2D image created as a view from a set of 3D data -- then that's sort of similar to the FP concept of Lazy Evaluation, that is, "delay the evaluation of an expression until its value is needed"...
Which in turn, prima facie, seems at least cursorily related to "Observation collapses the wave function":
I'm a moron. Somehow I read "width" and deleted the irrelevant parameter because people have different screen sizes and the site should auto-detect instead of using my one.
Not necessarily worse density - variables are 1 byte names vs 2+ byte load instructions (often 3).
But the thing that gives JS a huge advantage here is the “standard (dweet) library” which has sin/cos/fill/line etc whereas x86 bios has “switch mode” and then it’s just a pixel array.
obfuscated code with a lot of short cuts is likely also not the best way to model the world :P but this is definitely an impressive feat :D i'd be happy to get it done in like 256 lines of code, likely it would take much more than that! XD...
as for visual stuff. a lot of things man made and natural follow patterns (otherwise it'd be hard to recognize anything). So there's a lot of maths stuff you can use. Different types of noise or other patterns line for the height textures, fractals can be used interestingly, fibbonach/phi ratio for vegetation/trees, size ratio between skeletal elements / bones etc. - don't need any magic guessing machines for any of that.
i love speedtree tool. its a great example of how relatively simple algorithms can make natural complexity. also a great example on how to visually make things seem real while cutting as much corners as possible is that people used to fake bounced light through a room simply by making the backs of objects emit a fraction of light caught on the light facing side.
as people cant actually at observe arbitrary speeds and bandwith, you can skip most of the universe when visually representing it, to an extreme degree.
How [Atari 2600] Pitfall Builds its World:
Procedural Generation [Elite, early 8-bit game]:
Procedural Generation [general article]:
Somewhat related:
Lazy Evaluation [from Functional programming (FP) languages]:
Random observation:
If a given raytracing algorithm (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_tracing_(graphics) only evaluates visible points for a 2D image created as a view from a set of 3D data -- then that's sort of similar to the FP concept of Lazy Evaluation, that is, "delay the evaluation of an expression until its value is needed"...
Which in turn, prima facie, seems at least cursorily related to "Observation collapses the wave function":