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Not a week passes where I do not learn something interesting on hn! And this one may even be life altering!

Took me 30 years to find out that I have pollen allergies, and from that food allergies.

And because my body only produces very little diamin oxidase, that leads to heavy symptoms elsewhere in the body. I just recently got so far that diet and fenistil make things usually bearable, and when it gets heavy, only a little more fenistil fixes the symptoms. I don't think the symptoms are anaphylaxes, but overabundance of histamine. I had too many of them and I'm still here, never had to use the epi pen.

But from all the specialists I visited in my country, no one ever told me, that OAS exists, or oral therapy against them.

I can't say how thankful I am for the new ideas from your post and the child posts!

Glad to help! Just wanted to note that my immunotherapy for pollen/cat/mold allergy is not oral, but subcutaneous. That is, allergy shots. Oral (probably sublingual) immunotherapy can be done also, but for these allergens I believe subcutaneous is more common. I am not sure of the reasons but they may be related to efficacy, safety (eosinophilic esophagitis does not occur with shots), or convenience (while shots are not exactly convenient they are only once a month vs. daily oral therapy).

If you have frequent reactions, I'd say you should really consider immunotherapy. Even if they haven't been bad enough to kill you yet, the next one can always be worse. And if you have borderline anaphylaxis, waiting to administer the epi-pen can be fatal, as it can be less effective if you wait too long. Antihistamines will not save you from anaphylaxis, as while they reduce/mask some symptoms they do not treat the specific symptoms that kill you (hypotension, and/or airway swelling leading to suffocation). Only epinephrine does that.

Thank you for taking the time to reply to a rando fellow nerd. Really appreciated!

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