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Ask HN: Thoughts on publicly shared patent ownership via smart contracts?
3 points by sydlos 24 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
Hi HN,

I've filed a patent application (WO2023102581A1) for a protocol that enables tamper-proof and authenticated software execution in any environment. I plan to share the licenses and revenue with a public society through a smart contract system using NFTs on the Ethereum network.

I believe this could lead to:

- Hyper-scalability: Thousands of ideas and opportunities from license holders. Each of which can scale on its own.

- Alignment of Interests: Everyone benefits from each other's success, reducing the need for governance. Self-assebmled cooperation.

- Optionality: Royalties are distributed to all license holders, promoting a "rising tide lifts all boats" situation.

I'm curious to hear your thoughts:

- Under what conditions would you consider joining such a patent society?

- What expectations would you have if you joined?

Cheers, Michael

To be more precise: Each token would represent a patent license, every license holder would be encouraged to use the technology for profit, license fees would be payed directly to the smart contract which distributes the royalties to all token holders. It should be as simple as possible imo.

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