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[dupe] Slack users horrified to discover messages used for AI training (arstechnica.com)
45 points by belter 22 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

‘"An ML engineer at Slack says they don’t use messages to train LLM models," Orosz wrote. "My response is that the current terms allow them to do so. I’ll believe this is the policy when it’s in the policy. A blog post is not the privacy policy: every serious company knows this."’

I really wish this advice was followed to the letter. I’m sick and tired of trying to read into policies on AI training (or AI anything these days) that is pure blog posts on how the service works and what the data protections are. Even from Microsoft no less! Even their “documentation” has a bad habit of referring to half-decisions alluded to in a blog post, saying this is how it works, just trust us, interpret this policy vaguely because we interpret it vaguely. None of the cloud vendors will just sit down with you and sign a contract saying what they will or will not do, they all default to as minimal responsibility as possible. And then they have the guts to jump in on regulation - there’s zero components of the current way these giants do business in AI that is amenable to regulation, at least not in a way that helps you unless you’re an uber-enterprise.

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