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These photos (how many of photos there are at all from that period in Afghanistan?) show that Afghan women were able to wear highly revealing clothing in public, like were Iranian women at the time. Something that this day is extremely unlikely in Afghanistan and Iran.

Different histories, same outcome - the point being - we really do not know what would have happened in Iran.

If you didn't know then Iranian revolution did not start as Islamic revolution. It started as popular revolution against shah but the other revolutionaries were eliminated by the Islamists.

Oh interesting. Question since you seem so educated on the matter. Did Rosevelt pay protestors to throw riots in support of Mosaddegh?

If only our national security state was still competent am I right?!

Like I said: different histories, same outcome.

Would you mind answering my question if you know?

The point is both countries have been infiltrated by western powers who support either tyrannical religious zealots or liberal causes whenever it suits their political interests which results in societies that tear themselves apart. And the societies tearing themselves apart is the feature not the bug.

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