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crhulls 14 days ago | hide | past | favorite

Lots of hate on HN for Iran. This is definitely a mixture of US propaganda against Iran and how anti-regime Iranians are promoted heavily.

Or maybe people know stuff about the Iran regime like the fact that they held US hostages. Burn US flags (the big Satan). Sponsor terror and provide weapons for terrorist dictator regimes. Execute dissidents and generally anyone who doesn't fall in line etc.

Iranian people are good people who don't deserve this terrible misogynistic, murderous regime.


Israel has issues, but it's not comparable to the death cult that is the Iranian government. These are literal terrorists in charge of a country, spreading chaos and war across the Middle East. They hate themselves and their fellow humans across the Middle East equally.

For me it's the mix of Islamofascism and their killing of women and queers. Also, language!

No. Ben Gvir is a horrible Nazi. Netanyahu should be in jail. Things aren't "two sided". There are facts involved. Hamas is a murderous organization that is responsible for the rise of Netanyahu. Another fact. I suggest educating yourself rather than picking a side.

Israel likely involved. Looks like things are only just getting started between them.

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