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antiquark 22 days ago | hide | past | favorite

scientific facts are being distorted for political reasons, especially on certain controversial topics, several examples:

1. Major medical associations now claim sex is "assigned at birth" rather than being a biological reality determined at conception. The author argues this is scientifically inaccurate but is being asserted to defend transgender rights.

2. Some researchers investigating statistical differences in human traits by sex or race have faced campaigns to cancel them and damage their careers. This has a chilling effect on academic freedom and open debate.

3. In New Zealand, indigenous Maori knowledge was granted equal status to science in the curriculum. Some argued it has "equal value" to scientific knowledge. The author sees this as an example of postmodernist ideas entering education policy.

4. There are growing calls to "decolonize" science curricula and "decenter whiteness." The author argues the proper focus should be on the universal truths of science and math themselves, not exaggerating their history.

5. The journal Nature announced it could refuse to publish articles that undermine the "rights and dignities" of human groups. The author fears this vague standard enables ideological censorship.

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