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I like to say that in suburban USA, it’s illegal to be underage in public after dark. Cops will harass you for no reason, detain you for no crime, question you with no motive other than to try to peg you with a crime, on the assumption that you don’t know your rights and won’t assert them. If you try to assert your rights they will work harder to try to put a crime on you. And then we wonder why our kids get addicted to screens and don’t leave the house. It’s insanely fucked up and it stems from bored cops fucking with kids because they have nothing better to do.

It's funny, where I come from cops behave exactly like you describe towards anyone. Not just children, grown up adults too.

in the urban city i grew up in, it was quite literally illegal to be in public after 11pm

Wow where was that?

dc - curfew for all kids past 11pm

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