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Greg has some agency in this

He also stuck by Altman in November. I'm surprised by how much credit and how much hate goes to the CEO when there are clearly other people making their own decisions, too.

Say whatever you want, they've done something impressive. That credit goes to more than just Sam. Ilya & Jan aren't the only ones making decisions.

Also, if you've ever been at a startup growing at the speed OpenAI is growing (think revenue, fundraising, headcount), it's not that unusual to see cofounders leave or to have other leadership changes. The reason why everybody thinks OpenAI looks particularly bad is because everybody is watching them (and public sentiment towards ai has shifted)

> The reason why everybody thinks OpenAI looks particularly bad is because everybody is watching them

A reason, sure. The reason? Come on. There's a clue in their name about what part of their history is particularly controversial.

Sorry, in the context of this tweet and my message, I was referring to "senior leadership leaving"

This sort of high level turnover isn't that uncommon. OpenAI is growing quickly and going from initial concept to hundreds of millions in revenue - this is a time of transition for a lot of startups.

You can absolutely criticize them for hypocrisy or whatever other issue, but I don't think most people should read too much into Ilya/Jan leaving.

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