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Fusion reactors could create ingredients for a nuclear weapon in weeks (newscientist.com)
4 points by ano-ther 22 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

What's interesting is that for isotope production, fusion reactors are already the most economical option. You don't even need to collect any energy back, if the goal is to produce isotopes.

Among others, Shine Technologies is trying to commercialize that: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/shine-technologies-...

It also means that many nation states, companies or even wealthy individuals can afford access to such isotope production, including for nuclear weapons.

It's funny, because 40 years ago 'they won't be usable to create weapons with, so they could be built all over the world' was one of the selling points of fusion development; it was always obvious as a falsehood though, since any neutron source can be used to produce weapons grade isotopes given the motivation, even medical reactors that are already widespread.

If it’s like fission, then there are multiple different types. Some can make the boomy stuff. Others can’t.

This is largely just fear mongering.

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