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Confused here, is your argument here that OpenAI is not responsible for any innovation when it comes to LLM tech today? I’m curious about why you so strongly want to believe that?

Nobody knew that scaling transformer architecture would lead to the emergent intelligence we see today. Among other things, OpenAI did R&D for years on that. Also the only situation where this could true is if Google knew that LLMs could lead to this intelligence and decided to not make it happen, (along with every other tech company now that is furiously trying to catch up to OpenAI), which is absurd.

You seem to be inflating the emotional importance of my comment. Google did an enormous amount of the research prior to scaling. I merely pointing out that if there's credit to be given out, a bunch of it goes to Google.


Actually Google were building and scaling transformers at same time as OpenAI - BERT (following Allen AI's ELMo), T5, Meena, LaMDA (chatbot - preceding ChatGPT by a year or two), PaLM ...

It seems that Google really didn't know what to do with the tech, and hadn't figured out a way to control it (OpenAI's RLHF - critical for ChatGPT's success). It's a bit ironic that DeepMind were doing so much with RL, but Google Brain being separate at the time apparently were not consulting with them or tapping into their expertise.

> not responsible for any

That's a very strange way to read (the inverse of) the word "most".

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