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Floor796 (floor796.com)
533 points by gtirloni 22 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 79 comments

Discussions on similar submissions:

Ever-expanding animation of the life of the 796th floor of a space station https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35510067 (April 10, 2023 — 1066 points, 118 comments)

Ever-expanding animation of the life of the 796th floor of a space station https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33612401 (November 15, 2022 — 776 points, 88 comments)

A relevant project in a sense that it's an always expanding collaborative pixel infinite (sort of) canvas is https://ourworldofpixels.com/ it's similar in being a very detailed and huge.

Reddit /r/place might have been inspired by this or this by /r/place. On here you will find some special worlds, e.g. there is one with so many ships drawn, one with flags, one with a huge fantasy world map. There may be more interesting ones but these are the ones I discovered.




There is also https://yourworldoftext.com which is same idea but in text format.

https://www.reddit.com/r/wimmelbilder/ is probably the only big collection of very detailed art like floor796. No animations here though. This sub is restrictive in what and how you post and has therefore kept its quality over the years.

FYI, but lots of elements in there are interactive. There are some screens you can click and they will change there animations. Some things trigger sounds. There is even a game if I remember correctly.

And a quest:

"This suitcase contains secret information where mafia treasures are hidden. Try to unravel the mystery of this suitcase and find the treasure! Use the clues on the yellow stickers, they point to various objects on the floor"

If you look at (click) a suitcase in the mafia room

This site showed me a popup telling me that I had less than 10% battery life left and that this site could accelerate the drain, which I thought was hilarious.

Same. I didn't know this was something web pages could collect. Apparently these days only Chrome on Android still supports it.

Found this helpful comment about the background and timeline https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38417192

The battery API was rolled out by all the major browsers between 2012 and 2014 as a way to let web pages avoid doing compute-intensive stuff on low battery, but it was pretty much immediately used for fingerprinting as the battery level number was so precise that if you hit two web pages at the same time, the battery level was as good as a cookie. Firefox and Safari/Webkit disabled it in 2016 but Chrome just capped the precision at two digits.

> but Chrome just capped the precision at two digits.

Seems like just giving a straight integer would be enough for the main intention. Or fuzz the decimal points, if higher precision is really needed.

Worked for me with Chrome on macOS.

maybe the welsa supercharger is running low on gas.

I’ve always wanted a coding project like this, that has a lot of breadth rather than depth.

By that I mean it would take a day or two to set up the basics and then I could keep adding to it, an hour here or there, for years.

The problem is that when I tried this a few times with various games, the breadth ended up having nothing to do with coding. Perhaps there just isn’t a kind of coding task/problem/toy/gadget that works this way.

Did you try math? You can shallowly cover miles and miles of math. And extend it every day or month or whatever works for you, forever.

I did try math but math found me unworthy of its secrets.

Porting/translating/rewriting something from one language to another could be like that.

This is THE BEST!!! I have it bookmarked and revisit a few times a year at least, because they keep adding to it regularly.

It's like where's Waldo on mind altering substances.

If you subscribe you receive a mail with the new added cell automatically ;)

I’m sure I’ve bookmarked it too, but few weeks tried to search for it and just no way my keywords worked

Author is Belarusian, not Russian, contrary to what many other comments say.

Belorussian vs Russian has little to no difference in terms of contemporary cultural background. The references we see in this demo clearly are what the whole Soviet Russian (Russia+Ukraine+Belarus+Kazakhstan etc) cultural space has been exposed to during the recent decades: American + Some European + domestic Soviet Russian retro + some Japanese (anime). This already looks extremely cool (a masterpiece of art!) yet it can be made even cooler (more interesting, also potentially a work of cultural science) by expanding to include more ethnically niche memes from other cultures.

This is like saying that American or Canadian has little to no difference in terms of contemporary cultural background. Technically true, but it's still a bit rude to confuse both nationalities.

A better comparision would be WASP American with Indigenious people. People died to be Belorussian.

That's a terrible comparison.

Belorussian, Ukrainian and Russian people are ethnically and historically almost indistinguishable. Their main qualms are with cultural distinctions and relatively recent history (which is totally fair, and does not give the right for any of them to forcefully integrate/annex the others).

WASPs and Native Americans are ethnically, culturally and historically completely distinct peoples.

The American/Canadian example is almost a perfect 1:1 example.

They have never been an attempt to force Canadians to become Americans by killing them or occupying them. This is the reason why it is a bad example.

The War of 1812 could easily be considered such.

It's a moot point anyways, no one was discussing war. You decided to bring that up as some sort of virtue signal. It has nothing to do with cultural similarities.

What do you think it's a virtue signal to the HN audience insisting on the difference between European cultures?

Re-read. Comprehend. Stop fighting made up battles in your head.

Arrogant answers are very helpful! Thanks!


Not a single comment in this thread says the author is Russian.

In other threads from 2022 and 2023 they do

Does it really matter? Even if they were, it’s still amazing.

Yes, it matters a lot with regard to the colonial history where Russian, Soviet, and Tsarist governments have tried many times to eliminate the local cultures and identities of both indigenous peoples and other Slavic neighbors like Belarusians and Ukrainians.

You have to be quite delusional or historically ignorant to think that current "civilized" Western nations didn't do the same in the Age of Sail or British India or colonizing Africa.

For some reason I don't see your posts condemning that in every other thread?


Government != people. Russia has a population of >140 million and not a democracy, you can’t accurately assume anything about a random civilian’s stance on Ukraine.

The parent commenter didn’t say anything about civilian Russians.

I love this project. I'll often put it on "wandering" mode on my large monitor while I work on my laptop. There's a few interactive components as well.

How do you do wandering mode?

>How do you do wandering mode?

Top-right of window

Ahh. Hidden on mobile!

So much talent and devotion, I'm deeply baffled by this project. Does anyone knows the real name of the artist ?

Found an interview with him from November 2023 (https://runet.news/interview/50112). His name is Pavel Sannikov, is in his 30s, from Belarus. He's been working on it since 2018, entirely solo. Apparently spends 3-4 hours a day on it after work, and 8-10 hours a day on weekends! Not a commercial venture, just doing it for fun.

Thank you so much!

Not that much Here is an article about implementation from the author (translate it from russian): google "habr floor796"

Reminds me of this infinite somewhat realistic collaborative map I made a while back.


Uses stable diffusion in painting to expand out "infinitely".

Would love to see this packaged as an actually self hosted app. Very very cool!

Someone should make a Best of HN Karma Farming list with all the most frequent front page links.

I can't help thinking about Kool Keith's Apartment 223. This must be what went on in that MacGuffin.

Now that's a reference I didn't suspect to read on HN

There are jewels hiding in old trip-hop and indie/artsy hip-hop. El P and Killer Mike would agree.

I am a huge fan. This is an amazing project. An absolute artifact of the Internet, as it should be.

I have lost many hours here, and have shared with many

I’m not worthy.

Does anyone know an iPad app that lets you draw animations like this?

I tried the online editor [1] and it says “this editor requires a screen width of 1200px if more”.

If I check my browser size [2] it says 2360x1426. Bummer.

[1] https://floor796.com/editor/l0

[2] https://howbigismybrowser.com/

This is the most Ready Player One vs. Where’s Waldo thing I have seen in a long time. I love it!

I have put it up in a VR browser full size and close up so its amose all field of view and its amazing would love to see this get nerfed/gaussian splatted or otherwise add depth parallelex or one day get the full immersive walk through treatment.

I expected to find Doctor Who and TARDIS there, but they seem to be missing from the party.

There's a Dalek in a room on the lower left, looks like a kind of police booking room. Scooby and the gang are just above them.

Oh, thanks! Now I realized you can search characters from the changes menu.

this reminds me of some of the collaborative pixel art sites in the late 90s/early 00s, where you’d reserve some blocks and a bunch of us would contribute. any internet historians out there with some archive links? can’t remember at all…

How about the million dollar homepage: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Million_Dollar_Homepage

Edit: Hmm not really what you were looking for, on reflection. But I'll leave this anyway, the MDH had its own charms.

Not from 90s but there is ourworldofpixels.com

I was having a nice time browsing it - it's a shame that they decided to stick a transphobic "meme" in the women's bathroom.

This one? https://floor796.com/#t0r0,697,577

Given that this meme, while distasteful, was quite popular, the reason it was included may just that: its popularity. There is more edgy content on the station (like the 'bear' wanted poster in the police station); some of that might be explained by the author's cultural sphere (Belarus), but I doubt it was intended as explicit anti-trans messaging (at least, I wouldn't draw that conclusion without any other context beyond its inclusion).

That gave me a chuckle when I saw it, it's such an iconic meme. The original video never stops being amusing, I mean really the whole scenario is so ridiculous.

the linked viral video isn't transphobic.

i don't find the "people behaving badly" video genre a classy form of entertainment, but that's all it is.

i suspect the meme status of it is especially relevant due to the global social context of this art - it may be a statement along the lines of "the best reality show is americans".

The most viral "people behaving badly" videos tend to be people that are already disliked by a large portion of society. Fat people, black people, and women. People like them, in part, because they confirm their biases and bigotry.

Never saw it, that's a shame if it's there

This is Ready Player One meets Rick and Morty, and if that sounds like your kind of thing, bravo.

Okay, that's actually amazing. Bravo!

My favorite space station. Neo and Morpheus are there. Has anyone seen Takeshi Kovacs yet?

You won't recognize him, as he is not in a familiar sleeve.

I don’t get it but it’s awesome. It’s like intergalactic tv.

‘IE v166’ hits different now there is an actual ‘Chrome v126’

The matrix made me laugh more than it was supposed to...

Great project. Are there any other such projects out there?

A recent one is XKCD's "Machine", which is a collaborative crowdsourced physics sculpture/art project: https://xkcd.com/2916 (click "View Machine" in the corner to browse the machine).

I'm in love with this

Here is what the project is about (translated from Russian by chatgpt)

Floor796 is an ever-expanding animated scene depicting life on the 796th floor of a massive space station!

The goal of the project is to create an animation as vast as possible, filled with numerous references to movies, games, anime, and memes.

Most characters are clickable: you can find out who the character is and follow a link to the source. Non-clickable characters are fictional.

All scenes are drawn by a single person as a hobby in a special online editor (https://floor796.com/editor/l0) directly in the browser. The drawing process of some blocks can be watched on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCribkEGzOuMQ9ozb0ektMCQ.

FYI they have an english description. Just select english in the top right (which it defaulted to, for me), then click About. There are some mistranslations above.

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