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Ken Silverman's Official Home Page (advsys.net)
20 points by tomduncalf 20 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

His site makes him sound happy enough with his work and where he's ended up, but sometimes I wonder whether he should've ended up as well-known as Carmack or Sweeney.

What a cool person, also it was interesting to see the list of various computers used throughout the years!

I also think the VOXLAP engine was used in this one indie game called Ace of Spades, at least before it changed hands: https://web.archive.org/web/20161031124717/https://www.rockp... and http://advsys.net/ken/voxlap.htm

I'm mentioning this because that game had a lot of charm (like Sub Rosa also did), but also because it was immensely cool to see large voxel worlds rendered on the crappy laptop I had at the time without it breaking a sweat.

Ken is a solid dude. Always though he and John Carmack should form a brotherhood of sorts.

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