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Ask HN: What book have you written?
2 points by wayoverthecloud 15 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments


Pro Tip: write a tech book to advance your career, to scratch an itch, to learn by teaching. Don't write a tech book to make money. I don't have the exact numbers off the top of my head, but Go In Action is considered a successful tech book and it hasn't made enough money to make it worth the time invested if money was the only motivator. We donate all the royalties to a non-profit (Go Bridge https://gobridge.org ), so that was never our motivation... but I'd be seriously disappointed if I expected to make a living doing tech books with a traditional publisher. Maybe others who self-publish can chime in on how that's going for them.

Glad I did it. Wouldn't do it again :)


First time author here, made quite mistakes both in the book and the process of writing it, and my biggest mistake is choosing the incompetent publisher.

I’m not looking to make money from writing books, my original plan was to write another tech book about LLM after the first one, however after my experience with the first book, I’ll probably never write another book!

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