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Ask HN: Is Angular still relevant in the new world?
1 point by culopatin 15 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
I'm currently in school and in 3 classes so far they've used Spring and Angular.

I've been putting off learning a front end framework because I dread front end work, but now that I'm exposed I'm considering diving into Angular. At work they also use Angular for some projects (big-not-bleeding-edge-slow corp), but I was wondering if out there in the new world Angular is still a thing.

Is it worth my time to dive into Angular or you see it as a dying framework?


Angular has seen a resurgence lately. It’s popular within google and has been a mainstay for enterprise applications.

It’s definitely not going anywhere.

Is it the most popular framework? Not at all. But it is stable and has good consistent improvements. (Like Signals)

Excellent. Thanks! At some point a few years ago it seemed like every online resource I was hitting was pushing React over Angular and it made it seem like Angular was being phased out.

Angular is plenty used. Don't know why you're thinking the contrary?

From outside the window, years ago it looked like React was eating the “market share”, I still see react in many tutorials and mentioned in Job postings very frequently so I thought Angular was being phased out and only used in legacy apps.

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