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Show HN: Type 'Host Any.ipv4.address.here.visibleip.com' (github.com/ipv6rslimited)
3 points by chadsix 20 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Hi HN,

We just launched NAT64 support [1] and we had some issues with IP addresses. Luckily, we're developers, so we coded a simple solution. NAT64+DNS64 requires names to work, so we create these pseudonyms for IP addresses.

host returns

We setup visibleip.com on an anycast IP in 16 different POPs incase anyone relies on it!

Hope it helps you!

[1] https://blog.ipv6.rs/ipv4-activated-via-nat64/

nip.io does the same thing + extra stuff

another option: sslip.io

That's pretty cool. TIL. I wish I would have seen these earlier.

Our implementation is quite simple (< 80 actual lines of code in GoLang) and is for a very specific use case!

Hope it can help someone -- it helped us anyway and we thought we'd share :D

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