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Highway 1 to Big Sur Has Reopened (kqed.org)
25 points by divbzero 15 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

As a European I chuckled particularly at the warning about the “steep and winding nature” and “challenging drive” of highway 1.

It’a one of the easiest and most relaxing drives i’ve ever done.

Is the phrase "as a European" ever followed by something that isn't condescending?

A lot of the trails south of this slide have become overgrown from no one traveling there. Hopefully they get some volunteers out to clear it now that the road is somewhat open.

Why is a random news post about a road closure on HN?

Many folks on hn live in California in the. San Francisco Bay Area, and enough of them like to drive down the coast on route 1 — a fairly famous scenic road in the us, that we are all excited this section is open again.

Does this kind of news belong on hn.. I guess that’s for the voters

TLDR; still can’t drive all the way down the coast.

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