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Yubikey 5.7 (yubico.com)
23 points by xdfg13345 20 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

> Yubico has developed a library in-house that performs the underlying cryptographic operations (decryption, signing, etc.) for RSA and ECC.

No mention of why

Was there an alternative to use? Mostly gpg is used for these use-cases, which they support fully.

I've been moving from gpg to openssh and age for my uses.

I'm not happy at all. Ordered several Yubikeys, for a company, directly on Yubikey's site. One month in they haven't showed up yet (despite their website saying it's 5 business days delivery or something like that).

Meanwhile I got several marketing emails from Yubikey asking me if that purchase was a test, with the intent to buy more Yubikeys for all the employees.

When I pointed out that I never received them so should it be a test, it wouldn't be very successful, suddenly they weren't so keen on talking to me: handwaving and sending me to non-sensical chatbots from the company supposed to do the delivery (I think it's UPS).

I googled: several person had the exact same issue: the package is tracked from scandinavia to Germany then once in Germany, it's stuck at some facility.

Long story short: order Yubikeys from Amazon, not directly from Yubikey's website. They definitely don't have that part of their business in order: if they cannot keep the delivery company/ies they're working with in check, they should stick to Amazon (a company that actually knows logistics) and not pretend they'll deliver what you paid for in five days.

Here's a thread from someone else, the exact same problem, with people in the thread having the same problem, two years ago already (so it's not a new problem):


Yubikey: get your shit in order (because your orders are shit).

The problems described sound like they have more to do with government interference. How would yubico be responsible for delays multiple shipment companies have and are unable to talk about?

We also experienced similar delays but Yubi was straight up with the expectation that it was going to be 8-12weeks.

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