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Texas Grid Issues Alert for Potential Power Emergency (bloomberg.com)
6 points by doener 16 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

If only they had a big grid close by somewhere to import/export as needed…

> 62.7 gigawatts of power available when supplies are expected to be tightest Friday evening, about 6.3 gigawatts more than projected demand.

Isn't it normal for power plants to generate slightly more than demand so they don't waste power? 6.3gw seems like a lot of overhead.

Doesn't this happen yearly at this point? Why is nothing being done to improve Texas' grid, or ideally, connect it to other states?

At this point, there have been known reports pointing out specific issues going back decades. (They're still failing to address them) It's some political / industrial playground, where people can both build massive solar farms and praise American oil. Just weird incentives all around.

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