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Open sourcing IBM's Granite code models (ibm.com)
18 points by srbhr 21 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I wonder whatever happened to IBM Watson? Is it still a product on offer? Is it retired already? Is it retired already but still some deployments are in place?

The inference engine Watson is still out there. Branding of IBM's Generative AI entry is branded watsonx [1]. Pushed aggressively internally, widespread high-impact production traction-driven cash gushing accounts remain elusive, but because it is a CEO focus story to sell to shareholders, it will remain protected until a critical mass of shareholders figure out the ground truth.

Unless the CEO can raise more debt and raid cash more than he has already by at least an order of magnitude, I'm puzzled how they even have the cash firepower to hire the right staff at the right scale and support them with the right infrastructure to compete with the current GenAI leaders, and IBM possibly might take the "package for enterprise" road instead of trying to beat everyone else to the bleeding edge. Not nearly as capable, but reliable enough in operation the lawyers and insurers can understand it enough to slap indemnity stuff all around it.

[1] https://www.ibm.com/watsonx

Watson was not a product but a brand name they applied to lots of things. I am sure Granite will show up in here: https://www.ibm.com/watsonx

HN discussion 13 days ago [0] (252 points, 74 comments)

[0]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40291598

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