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Ask HN: How Do You Gain Visibility and Traction as an Indie Hacker?
1 point by maxence-m 20 days ago | hide | past | favorite
Hey everyone ,

I've been around the block a few times with startups. Last year, I co-founded two: one sold for €10K (ouch) and the other landed €400K in funding before I exited due to some strategic pivots. Both pulled in less than €5000 MRR.

The big lesson? Execution is everything.

Now, I'm jumping into the indie hacker scene with fresh eyes and new ideas.

One thing I've noticed is how tough it is to get noticed without a massive budget.

So, how do we level up our visibility and traction without emptying our wallets?


1.How do you expand your audience reach effectively? 2.Cost Efficiency: What budget-friendly marketing tactics have worked for you? 3.Community Building: How important is building a community for your success? Any tips? 4.Insights and Data: How do you use data to refine your strategies?

I’d love to hear your experiences and tips! What’s worked for you and what hasn’t?

Let’s discuss about it

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