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Show HN: I made a Chrome extension that automates Tinder swiping with ML (chromewebstore.google.com)
3 points by WizardOfSwipe 28 days ago | hide | past | favorite
Hey HN! I'm excited to share my new project: Wizard of Swipe for Tinder.

Problem Swiping on Tinder felt like a chore. Hours of swiping with few meaningful connections.

I created Wizard of Swipe, a Chrome extension that transforms Tinder. Set your preferences—beauty, interests, and what you're looking for—and let the AI wizard handle the swiping. It uses machine learning to analyze profiles and swipe right on matches. Spend less time swiping and more time making real connections. I'd love to hear your feedback! Btw, if you have made it that far here's 25% off for you HN25

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